Carson City
Carson City Airport is used regularly by private and air taxi operators and is an important hub for business.
Justice and Municipal Court Clerk's Office
885 E. Musser Street
Suite 2007 (2nd Floor)
Carson City, Nevada 89701
(775) 887-2121
Justice/Municipal Court Clerk
Principal Functions
The Carson City Justice and Municipal Court is statutorily limited in jurisdiction. It has authority to determine probable cause, hold arraignments/first appearances, and conduct trials on misdemeanors, Driving Under the Influence (DUI’s) and traffic offenses. In addition, the Court sets bails, issues warrants, monitors suspended sentences for compliance of conditions and conducts felony preliminary hearings.
The Court is responsible for assessing misdemeanor fines and forfeitures and collecting civil fees. The Court has authority to hear and decide small claim disputes up to $7,500 and formal civil actions up to $10,000. The Court hears all landlord/tenant disputes; issues temporary protective orders, stalking orders and other civil orders; and holds hearings on contested cases.
News and Notifications
- AB 424 - Requiring 48 Hour Bail Hearings effective 7-1-2022. To join the virtual hearing (via Zoom Government) and observe please click here. Hearings are scheduled for 10:00 am PST, and are subject to cancelation without notice.
- Carson City Sheriff's Office Inmate Portal
- Administrative Order Rescinding COVID Protocols - 5-24-23
- Language Access Plan
- Volunteer Attorney’s for Rural Nevadans (VARN) in Carson City
- Washoe Legal Services in Reno
- Government Sponsored Rental Assistance Program
- Home Means Nevada, INC.
- Nevada Rural Housing Authority
- Carson City Health & Human Services
Scam Information Alert
If you receive an email or telephone call claiming that you owe money or need to pay money from the Carson City Justice/Municipal Court consider it to be fraudulent.
Do not give callers your personal information. Hang up. If you are in doubt of whether or not you have a court matter, call the Justice Court Clerk's Office between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, (closed Friday from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.) at (775) 887-2121.
Payment of Court Fines and Fees
The Fines and Fees Office handles all payments of citations including traffic and court fines. You may pay your fine in person, by mail, by credit/debit card, or using our online payment portal. The Payment Center’s address is 885 East Musser Street, Suite 2003, Carson City, Nevada 89701. It is located on the second floor of the Carson City Courthouse.
If you have any questions regarding your payment, please call the Fines and Fees Office at (775) 887-2064.
We are now able to accept online payments. Please use our online pay portal located at: Online Payments.
For more information please contact the Fines and Fees office at (775)887-2064.
Traffic Citations and Continuances
Traffic court is held on Tuesdays. There is a mandatory appearance for all citations involving child restraints. You must appear on the date and time on your citation.
At traffic court you are advised of your rights and the charges against you. If you plead “guilty” or “nolo contendere” (no contest), a sentence will be imposed at that time.
If you plead not guilty, the matter will be set for a pretrial conference with the District Attorney’s Office immediately following your arraignment. If you are charged with no insurance, unregistered vehicle, or no valid driver’s license and you now have the required documentation, be prepared to present it to the Court.
If you are unable to appear in Court on the date and time indicated on your ticket, you may request a continuance over the phone. Failure to appear or pay your citation may result in being sent to collections. Additionally, your driver’s license may be suspended by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Civil Traffic Citations
If you have been cited for a civil infraction please see the options below:
Pay the civil infraction:, select Justice Court & Traffic. Pay by credit card, debit card, or personal check.
Mail Payment: Carson City Justice/Municipal Court, 885 E. Musser Street, Suite 2007, Carson City, NV 89701 – check or money order only.
Pay in Person: Fines and Fees Office 885 E. Musser Street (2nd floor) Carson City, NV 89701.
Drop Payment in Drop box: Located outside of the courthouse. Check or money order only (NO CASH). Make sure citation number is on check or money order.
If you want to contest your citation and appear in court or have questions:
Contact by Phone or Email: The Carson City Justice/Municipal Court at 775-887-2121 Option #4 or for information and further instructions.
Court Hours: Monday – Friday (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closed all major holidays)
If no action is made by you by the 90th day from the date the citation was issued, the following penalties may occur:
- Additional fees and costs.
- Entry of a Civil Judgment.
- Suspension of your driver’s license by the State of Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles.
- Reporting your case to a collection agency which may negatively impact your credit record.
Traffic Safety School
Traffic Safety School is no longer being offered through the Court.
If you would like information about traffic safety school you may contact the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs
If you have been arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and/or Drugs, you will be given a court date on a Wednesday morning or afternoon. There are three things that may happen at that time: Arraignment, Sentencing, or Pretrial Conference.
At an arraignment you are advised of your rights and the charges against you. At this time you will inform the Court if you have hired an attorney. If you are unable to afford an attorney, the Court may appoint one to represent you. You have the right to have an attorney during all stages of the proceedings.
If you plead guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), you may be sentenced at that time or you may be rescheduled for sentencing depending on several factors. You will be advised of your blood alcohol level at your arraignment. If you plead not guilty, the matter will be set for a pretrial conference with the District Attorney’s Office.
You must attend all court hearings or a warrant will be issued for your arrest.
Court Appearances
Court Appearances for Those Being Held in Jail
Arraignments and first appearances for those who are charged with crimes and are still being held in jail are done via closed-circuit television Monday through Friday. The Judge is in the courtroom and the defendant participates from the jail. These proceedings are open to the public and if you wish to observe, you may do so in the courtroom. Amounts and conditions of bail are also addressed at this time.
All Other Court Appearances for Criminal Charges or Citations
If you have been charged with a crime other than traffic or DUI, you have been given a date for arraignment on a Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m. At an arraignment, you are advised of the charges against you and your rights. On a misdemeanor charge you will enter a plea. If you plead guilty or nolo contendere (no contest), the Judge may impose a sentence at that time. If you plead not guilty, the matter will be set for a pretrial conference or trial. On a felony charge, a preliminary hearing will be scheduled and you will not enter a plea.
If you fail to appear for a scheduled court date or pay a fine as ordered, a warrant may be issued for your arrest. If you are arrested, a cash bail must be posted. If bail is not posted, you will remain in custody and be brought before a Judge within 72 hours (excluding holidays and weekends) for further action.
Backgrounds/Records Checks
The Court does not do background or records checks over the telephone. You must make your request in writing and include the individual’s names and years you wish to have searched. You must also include a check or money order for $1.00 per name per year to be researched.
Temporary Protective Orders
To apply for a temporary protective order against domestic violence or stalking/harassment, you must come to the Court. Advocates to End Domestic Violence has an office on the third floor of the Courthouse and will assist you in completing the application. The Advocates are also available at 884-1886 and after regular hours at (775) 883-7654.
Domestic Violence
To qualify for a domestic violence protective order you must:
- Have been a victim of or been threatened with domestic violence; and
- Be related to the defendant by blood or marriage; or
- Have a child in common with the defendant; or
- Have resided or had a dating relationship with the defendant.
Stalking and/or Harassment
For a stalking and/or harassment protective order there must be a continuing course of conduct of reckless behavior by the defendant, and
- You must feel terrorized or fear for your safety, and
- There must be more than one incident.
A Judge will review your application and issue a 45 day temporary order for just cause.
Small Claims Information
If you feel that someone owes you money or has collected money from you unfairly, you may wish to file in Small Claims Court. The amount cannot exceed $10,000. The law requires that prior to filing a claim, you must make a demand for payment from the person who owes you money. If they fail to pay you, you may then file your claim.
To file a claim in Carson City Justice Court, the person your claim is against must reside, be employed, or have a business in Carson City. To obtain forms and information for filing, you may pick them up in person or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Court. The form is also available on our Forms page.
Filing Fees
The filing fees, including service are (Effective January 1, 2017):
- For claims up to $1,000, the fee is $111.00
- For $1,000.01 - $2,500 the fee is $131.00
- For $2,500.01 - $5,000 the fee is $151.00
- For $5,000.01 - $7,500 the fee is $191.00
- For $7,500.01 - $10,000 the fee is $241.00
Once you file the claim and pay the filing fees, the matter will be set for hearing before a Small Claims Referee. The hearing usually occurs within approximately 30 days of filing.
Eviction Information
The court has forms available for three types of summary evictions. These are:
- 5 day nonpayment of rent
- 5 day failure to perform conditions of rental agreement
- No cause notice to quit
The notice must be filed with the Justice Court prior to serving on the tenant. The cost of filing of the notice is $71.00.
For further information regarding procedures please contact the Justice Court at (775) 887-2121. The above notices are also available on the forms page. For additional information and resources please visit the Nevada Rural Housing Authority website.
Emergency Eviction Prevention Program of Nevada offers support for both tenants and landlords in an effort to solve challenges and support individuals throughout the eviction process.
Complaint and Summons
If you have been served with a summons and complaint, you have twenty days from the day you are served to file your defense with the Court. The answer should be filed in proper legal form. The Clerks cannot provide you with forms or legal assistance. You may wish to consult with an attorney. If you believe you owe the amount claimed, you may contact the attorney for the plaintiff to make arrangements for payment.
Marriages are performed by the Justice of the Peace on Monday thru Friday by appointment only. No more Saturdays. The cost of a marriage is $75.00 - cash only. You must bring a valid marriage license and provide your own witness or interpreter as needed.